Monday 24 September 2012

Advert sketch

For the magazine advert I have decided to use a similar structure to the advert I analysed from "FRONT" magazine for the band "Of Mice & Men". I have chosen to use a similar structure to this advert as out of the two I analysed it was alot more relatable to the audience and it also introduced the style and look of the band with the colours and style of the advert to possible new fans that might be persuaded to check out their music or maybe go and see them on tour.
(Also to be noted for the image above, my first draft advert will not be exactly structured like it is shown on the image. Some things may be moved round a bit)

Digipak sketch

I have chosen to use a similar structure to my digipak as the "Yashin" album digipak that i analysed as i think that with four faces, it is alot more simple for me to create and also it isn't too much for the audience to take in. I also did not decide to do six faces on my digipak as i did not want it to end up with nearly black faces like the "Bullet For My Valentine" one. So i chose to do the four face digipak to keep theraudience interested in the look and design of the album as it will have more detail than one with black faces onit.

Video storyboard


With this storyboard I can use these images as a guidline to what type of shots i can use for the different people that are going to be in the shots. This storyboard includes lots of different shot types and angles which I can repeate in different places within the video as i will need to do alot of quick editing for the video as the chorus is fast paced where i can do lots of quick and short edits to match the pace of the song and then during the calmer verse i can use slower and longer edits to match the slower pace of that part of the song. and as the chorus is repeated about 2 or 3 times i can re-use the whole first edit of the chorus of the video in the other choruses to match the repetition of the music with the repetition of the images.

Constructive Decisions

With all this planning i have also taken the questionnaire into concideration to help the video connect with the audience more than it would do with just my own ideas.

A band consisting of: Me (Bass), Bobby (Guitar), Daniel (Vocals) and Matt (Drums)
I have chosen these people to do these roles of "The Band" as we can all actually play the instruments given to each person and Daniel is willing to sing as i found no singer that was actually up for the job or was available for this video.

Band performace will be in a black room, and the solo performances will be outside in a woody area.
The reasons i have picked to use these locations are that both seperate locations represent different things withing the meaning of the song. Id you read below in the last post, i have written about the song meaning and the song is representing the band and their thoughts they they want to give across to the audience and the meaning of this song is about being yourself and being you you want to be and not what other people or socioty want you to be. So things that i am going to put in within the setting to represent this is the outside area for the solos parts which will represent the singular people doing what they want to do by playing their instruments outside and also with a more literal meaning to the name of the song i will add in shots of a bird watching the outside performances from the different people getting ready to fly away and they finally flying at the end as the song has inspired the bird to do so.
The setting i have chosen for inside is to help represent part of the band name in a way. The name "Shinedown" implies that sometimes you shine out and stand out and sometimes you are down and depressed and sut away from everything. I will represent the "down" part of the name with the indoor setting by using a dark room which will indicate the depression of being alone and down.

While in the black room we will perform in dark coloured bottoms with light coloured tops to act as sort of uniform that socioty wants us to wear as it is plain black and white to make other people happy and not yourself which is what this clothing, lighting and setting will represent in the song/video. when i am recording outside I am going to get averyone to wear whatever they want to wear to represent being yourself which is also what the setting and lighting will represent in the video.
Inside costume example                                     Outside costume example

 Camera work:
These are some of the camera shots/angles that i am going to include within my video. With these I will also include features such as: push/pull focus, tilts and pans. I will use lots and lots of different shot types and angles as the pace of the song is quite fast in parts so when i get to the editing stage of the video i will be able to choose from lots of different shots to go with the fast pace by putting in fast editing to match the pace of the song.

The only props that i will need for my video are the band instruments like the guitar, bass, mic and drum kit. I will only need these props for my video as it is all performace with representations and there will be no narrative just a pure performance.

When recording in the dark room i will have pure darkness everywhere (or as close to that as i can get) to represent the depression i spoke about earlier in the post with only lights shining on the band while they are performing just so you are able to see the performance and when recording outside i am going to use natural sunlight as it will give a more nature/real feel to the shots rather than artificial light that will be used in the dark room to represent naturally being yourself like the natural outdoor light.

Tuesday 18 September 2012


I have costructed a questionnaire for my friends to answer so that i can use the answers given in a constructive way that can help me in what i can do in my video recording to suit the audience. I have chosen my friends to answer these questions as they like the same styles of music and videos that i do so with the answers i can make my video to suit the audience of people like me and my friends. These are the questions i asked and within that are the most popular answers given by my friends that took part in the questionnaire.

Question 1: Performance, narrative or mixed music videos?
Answer 1: Mixed

Qustion 2: Colour or black and white?
Answer 2: Colour

Question 3: Fast, slow or mixed paced?
Answer 3: Mixed

Question 4: Indoor, outdoor or mixed?
Answer 4: Mixed

Question 5: Direct or in-direct representation to the lyrics?
Answer 5: In-direct

Question 6: Direct or in-direct representation to the song meaning?
Answer 6: Direct

Question 7: Band, solo or mixed performance?
Answer 7: Mixed

About The Song



Song lyrics:
"Here's the weight of the world on my shoulders
Here's the weight of the world on my shoulders
On my shoulders

All alone I pierce the chain
And on and on the sting remains
And dying eyes consume me now
The voice inside screams out loud

I am focused on what I am after
The key to the next open chapter
Cause I found a way to steal the sun from the sky
Long live that day that I decided to fly from the inside

Every day a new deception
Pick your scene and take direction
And on and on I search to connect
But I don't wear a mask and I have no regrets

I am focused on what I am after
The key to the next open chapter
Cause I found a way to steal the sun from the sky
Long live that day that I decided to fly from the inside

I can't escape the pain
I can't control the rage
Sometimes I think that I'm gonna go insane
I'm not against what's right
I'm not for what's wrong
I'm just making my way and I'm gone

Here's the weight of the world on my shoulders

Cause I found a way to steal the sun from the sky
Long live that day that I decided to fly from the inside

That I decided to fly from the inside
That I decided to fly from the inside

Song Meaning:
Personally, I think this song is a summary of what the band is all about. As their band name (Shinedown) suggests, sometimes you shine, and sometimes you are down, and you don't know how to get throught it, but you do. Some of the most important lines in the sond are: "I found a way to steal the sun from the sky. Long live that day that I decided to fly from the inside." As when you "steal the sun from the sky", you are being yourself, you have your own thoughts, actions, and words and they are coming straight from your heart and soul and you are no one else but you. I think that the lyrics "I am focused on what I am after. The key to the next open chapter" are relatable to what i have also said above as it is all about being yourself and doing what you want to do and focusing on what it is you yourself want to say and do and have your own choices in life and not other peoples as it is your own life and no one elses as you are focused on what you want from yourself in the future and not what other people want for you.

With this song meaning and the lyrics of the song I can create shots and parts of the video that are related to the meaning of the song about being yourself and thinking what you want to think and doing what you want to do and not what other people tell you to think, say or do.

Monday 10 September 2012

30 Second video storyboard



With this story board, I now have a much better idea of how many different shots, shot types and edits go into just 30 seconds of a video of the style that I am looking to re-create within my own video. With this 30 second story board I also now know that for my video I will probably need a different shot around every second so I will probably end up with around 240 shots in my 3 minute 55 second long video if I stick to the idea of quick editing and lots of different shots.